Oral Cenk Aktaş

Title: Functional Surfaces: From Nature to Applications

Assoc. Prof. Cenk Aktas earned his BSc and MSc in Materials Science and Engineering from Middle East Technical University-Turkey and Christian-Albrechts University-Germany, respectively. He joined Leibniz Institute for New Materials (Leibniz-INM) in 2004. After completing his PhD with distinction (summa cum laude) he was appointed as the Deputy Head of CVD Research Division. Between 2010-2015, Aktas acted as the Director of CVD/Biosurfaces Division at Leibniz-INM (Saarbrücken/Germany). Aktas also acted as advisor and instructor in several professional training programs of various institutions including German Chemistry Society, Korean University of Technology, European Postgraduate School and etc. Currently he is carrying out research activities on synthesis of functional nanomaterials and their potential applications in diverse fields including biomedical, surface, and composite technologies at the Institute of Materials Science, CAU-Kiel In addition, he acts as the PI at Pediatric Cardiovascular Materials Laboratory at UdS-Homburg and is giving lectures in the Medical Faculty, UdS-Homburg. Aktas has been involved in various projects funded by EU, DFG, BMBF and similar public institutions. He also carries out close collaboration with the industry and acts as the member of some consulting boards. Aktas published more than 70 research papers and 10 patents in different fields (on nanomaterials and nanotechnology). He has several prestigious awards including Prof. Werner Petersen Award, Prof. Horst Hardt Award, International Nanomedicine Foundation Award and etc.

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